Saturday, March 19, 2005

The interior benefits of meditation

When one devotes oneself to meditation, mental burdens, unnecessary worries, and wandering thoughts drop off one by one; life seems to run smoothly and pleasantly. A student may now depend on intuition to make decisions. As one acts on intuition, second thought, with its dualism, doubt and hesitation, does not arise.
-- Nyogen Senzaki


All the masters tell us that the reality of life - which our noisy waking consciousness prevents us from hearing - speaks to us chiefly in silence.
-- Karlfried Graf Durckheim

1 comment:

  1. True enough, silence can speak volumes in our lives. It is in those moments that we get the chance to analyze the direction of our lives and potential solutions to problems.

    Silent times through prayer and meditation had been beneficial in the practice of Thetahealing. It gives us the time to be in touch with the creator. Thetahealing is all about using that energy to cure illnesses and negativity in life by seeking pure thoughts that can contribute positively to the body and spirit.

    Thanks for posting!


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