Monday, October 09, 2006

An investment in celebration

Photo by Ellie Finlay

This is from Alan Cohen's article, "Everything I Need to Know about Meditation I Learned from my Jewish Mother":
One of the reasons we love to be around children, pets, and spirited elders is that they are delightfully free of tyrannical intellect. They are not at the mercy of belief systems that tell us we should be other than they are. They are not trying to think their way through life; they are having too much fun to have to figure it out. That’s why Ben Williams noted, "There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." Imagine that life is a big puppy trying to lick your face; the only reason you don’t enjoy it more is that your mind is elsewhere. To get your mind realigned, invite it to think in harmony with Spirit, which is always affirmative and has a greater investment in celebration than complaint.
I want to recommend a website I visit everyday. It's called The Daily Puppy and it features a different puppy every day - usually with more than one picture. I get an enormous sense of refreshment and delight from each posting. No matter what horrible news has been reported that day, I know that I can (in a cyber sort of way!) let a puppy "lick my face" and remind me that life is beautiful.


  1. Thank you -- I enjoyed the Daily Puppy. Truly delightful, I left the site feeling mellow and smiling.

  2. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Oh, please say you do not leave Izzy's training collar on when she is unattended. I knew a gentleman who lost his most beloved golden retriever when the dog's training collar got caught and there was no one present to rescue him.

  3. Hello, Anonymous. Izzy is never unattended. She has separation anxiety and is therefore never left alone. She goes to day care every day while I'm at work. Never fear!


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