Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Finally home and on the mend

Clyde Glandon sent me the following quotes that I think are marvelous:
*The good road and the road of difficulties you have made me cross; and where they cross the place is holy.
--Black Elk

*We are all indelibly, unspeakably one.
-- Jonathan Daniels (Episcopal seminarian, murdered in Selma, Alabama, 1965)

*Our true self is made up of non-self elements.
-- Thich Nhat Hanh

Dear Readers,

I know many of you have been worried about me. I'm sorry I wasn't able to let you know that I've been hospitalized for the past week. I went in Wednesday evening and had an emergency appendectomy on Thursday. That surgery went fine. It was the aftermath that was the problem. They couldn't get me to breathe on my own and my lungs filled with fluid so I had to be on life support for three days. Then when I finally could breathe, I was very, very weak. As I write I've just been home a couple of hours.

It has been an illuminating experience. I realize, once more and with great clarity, that we are not in control. I have a renewed appreciation of impermanence and, most of all, I am filled with gratitude - both for my life and the willingness to die, for the incredibly wonderful care I have received, for the good thoughts and prayers of so many who were concerned about me, for those who visited or wrote. Prayer and meditation have been my life line, of course. Mainly I prayed for everyone who is also suffering and I meditated on the transitoriness of life. You really appreciate transitoriness when you're completely helpless!

As soon as I feel better I'll be up and running again on the blogs.

Blessings to all,


  1. Nice to have you back! I've missed your wonderful,inspiring daily blogs and beautiful photos. Life is truly delicate. Do take good care of yourself. I just returned from visiting Larry, a very dear friend of mine,in the hospital. He's a miracle -- aneurysm in his leg and multiple aneurysms around his heart. He will lose his lower left leg. But his spirit is so luminous and uplifting. As he always says, "PMA - positive mental attitude, that's what it's all about". A sense of humour helps as well.
    You are an inspiration Ellie. Take care.
    Jo Ann,
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  2. Thank you so much, Jo Ann, for your wonderful comment.

    I will add Larry to my prayers. He does indeed sound like an inspiration. Please tell him I said so if you think it's appropriate.

    Bless you richly,

  3. As you know a lot of us at Christ Church have been praying for you. Get lots of rest and get your strength back. Smokey loves you.


  4. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I marveled at the blog conversation you left behind while you went through this dreadful health ordeal, "Now I adore my life."

    The Center folks were praying for you as well. Hope you are up and about soon.


  5. Oh Ellie,

    I'm sorry to hear about your hospitalization. Am glad you are now home recovering, and that your faith is stronger for the difficulties.

    Oftentimes it is in hindsight that we realize how invaluable "obstacles" are for a spiritual path. If we can use them wisely, they are gifts much greater than the happiest times.


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