Friday, March 11, 2011

Rules for life

I just came across a blog entitled "Five Rules for Life" but don't think the blog only offers five rules! Many people write in and offer their own "rules" and it's very interesting to observe the various values systems expressed in each set of recommendations for living.

Here are some I like (from different people, by the way):
Learn to recognize your thoughts. Your mind is always going. The problem is, you have become so detached from it you don't realize what it is doing. Become conscious of your thoughts, and you will discover that they may not be very appealing. Your mind tends to run wild with negativity, constantly playing out confrontational scenarios that cause stress you don't even know about. But, if you spend time "watching" your thoughts, you can recognize what is happening.
Listen to music. It doesn't matter what kind of music you listen to - put on your favorite CD and get lost in the world of someone else's thoughts. Music has personally saved my life and been a voice for me when I couldn't find my own. It has been an outlet and a release. Never underestimate the power words and melodies can have on you.
Have respect. Not just for your elders or authority but for everything. Animals, the oceans, plant life, our planet, insects, your neighbors. Everything. We all affect one another each and everyday. You aren't the only one here. To expect respect, you have to give it. Freely and abundantly.
Get a dog. A dog loves you unconditionally. A dog thinks you are the greatest, coolest, smartest, most successful person in the world. Get a dog and work hard to live up to its expectations.
Don’t make decisions when you’re angry. You can destroy everything you’ve been working for if you act when you’re angry. Breathe, smile and wait - if you do, you’ll realize that you aren`t so angry about what happened...or it may just fix itself.
Never stop learning. Life is a learning adventure. We should try to capture every learning opportunity and not shut off new ideas, experiences, and adventures. We can learn from books, articles, people, classes, and experiences. When we recognize how great the adventure of life can be, every moment can be spent learning something new about the world.
You might like to go overthere and explore what various people think will help us lead "the good life". You might also like to create a list of your own "five rules".


  1. What a great find! There's some good advice/tips on this site. Thanks for sharing!!

  2. I'm really glad you like it, Courtney. I thought it was pretty good myself!


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