Friday, April 15, 2005


I often ask people who come to talk to me to make friends with their anger or their fear or their painful memories or whatever is the occasion for their distress. This is often hard at first because our habitual tendency is to move away from these experiences rather than toward them. But this is truly the way to peace because "what we resist, persists". Pema Chodron describes this in a passage on equanimity in her book, The Places That Scare You:

Training in equanimity is learning to open the door to all, welcoming all beings, inviting life to come visit. Of course, as certain guests arrive, we'll feel fear and aversion. We allow ourselves to open the door just a crack if that's all that we can presently do, and we allow ourselves to shut the door when necessary. Cultivating equanimity is a work in progress. We aspire to spend our lives training in the loving-kindness and courage that it takes to receive whatever appears - sickness, health, poverty, wealth, sorrow, and joy. We welcome and get to know them all.

Try just beginning. Just begin to make friends with whatever is inside you. Slowly you will gain skill in this incredibly beneficial practice.

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