Wednesday, May 25, 2005

That issue of time again

Here's another passage from Larry Rosenberg's Breath by Breath - this one on the perennial issue of finding time for practice:

The often-heard complaint (especially in the modern world) that people don't have time for meditation practice relates to a fundamental misunderstanding. What people mean is that they don't have time to sit, which may or may not be true. They feel that way because they haven't established the true value of sitting. Once they do, they are much more likely to find time for it.

But practice isn't just about sitting and has nothing to do with finding time. Practice is for every moment of your life. Wherever you are, whatever your circumstance, whatever your mental state, that is a perfect moment for practice...
I don't want to pretend that sitting isn't special. It is the place where we have intentionally limited our responsibilities so that we can be with ourselves as we are. We are not talking, eating, working. We are not using our bodies to go somewhere or do something. Even thinking is toppled from its lofty position of authority and seen as just one more phenomenon over which we have no control. We simply sit and get to know ourselves as we are.

You know, we not only are willing to find the time, we become eager to find the time when we truly value ourselves. Realizing that we are ultimately enlightened beings will make us want to wake up to that reality no matter what it takes. Remember who and what you are deep within and the motivation to practice will be there!

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