Saturday, February 05, 2005

A beautiful description of meditation

Rob Nairn's first book, Tranquil Mind, is published in the United States as What is Meditation? Toward the end of this compact and wonderful little book, Rob answers the question:

Meditation is the process of learning to work skillfully with the mind in a way which will lead by successive stages to tranquility, insight, spontaneous purification and total liberation from all negative states. This final stage is accompanied by full and total realization of one's wholesome or "divine" potential. Along the way one sees through the egocentric trap and springs it. As the process of inner discovery progresses, so the state of one's inner life improves. Inner harmony, clarity and stability come about; the confused, scattered mind is left behind, and one's life becomes happier, more joyous, open, giving and loving. The culmination is enlightenment - a word a little like "infinity" or "eternity": we have a rough idea what is meant, but cannot actually grasp the full meaning. But it is certainly a state of joy which passes all understanding.

Perhaps it would do us all good to keep the luminous benefit of meditative practice ever before us. Why would we want to neglect so great a treasure?

1 comment:

  1. Meditation is a way of simplicity, silence and stillness. Meditation is a universal spiritual wisdom and a practice that we find at the core of all the great religious traditions, leading from the mind to the heart. Buddhist meditation practices are techniques that encourage and develop concentration, clarity, emotional positivity, and a calm seeing of the true nature of things.

    Dzogchen Foundation


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