Sunday, June 12, 2005

On loving-kindness

The Dalai Lama frequently says, "My religion is kindness." Here's a beautiful passage by Stephen Levine from his book A Gradual Awakening about just that:

The power of loving-kindness is so great that when we concentratedly send it out to another, they often can feel it if they are in a quiet place at that moment. It is a tangible but subtle energy which can be consciously directed, much like that quality of care which is the principal element in healing.

As practice continues to cultivate an openness of heart, we begin to experience the incredible power of this love. And we see that with all our imagined unworthiness and fear, with all our doubt and desire, it's hard to be loving all the time. But it's harder not to be loving.

I really like that last sentence. If we realize that choosing not to love is actually hard on us in a deep way, perhaps we will not choose that unloving path. Just let go of resentment and wish for the other what you wish for yourself: happiness and well-being.

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