Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Acquiring peace of mind

It's really not enough to set aside a specific time for daily meditation if we're then going to forget about meditative principles for the rest of our day. Dr. Thynn Thynn speaks to this in her book Living Meditation, Living Insight:
[I]f meditation is to help you acquire peace of mind as you function in your life, then it must be a dynamic activity, part and parcel of your daily experience. Meditation is here and now, moment-to-moment, amid the ups and downs of life, amid conflicts, disappointments and heartaches -- amid success and stress. If you want to understand and resolve anger, desires, attachments and all the myriad emotions and conflicts, need you go somewhere else to find the solution? If your house was on fire, you wouldn't go somewhere else to put out the fire, would you?

If you really want to understand your mind, you must watch it while it is angry, while it desires, while it is in conflict. You must pay attention to the mind as the one-thousand-and-one thoughts and emotions rise and fall. The moment you pay attention to your emotions, you will find that they lose their strength and eventually die out. However, when you are inattentive, you find that these emotions go on and on.
As one of my own meditation teachers used to say, "It's all material!" It really is.

1 comment:

  1. Ellie,

    A perfect thing for me to read today. It seems as I've gotten older that wisdom comes moment-to-moment rather than "books" at a time. Thank you for this.


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