Monday, March 01, 2010

A 45 Second Meditation

So many people claim in all seriousness that they don't have time to meditate. (Another time we'll discuss why that is bogus but, for now, let's go along with it.) Everyone, however can find 45 seconds. Here's how:
Try this: breath through your mouth, and notice how your chest expands; then breath through your nose and you'll notice how your abdomen goes out more. You see, breathing through the nose causes the diaphram to pull the air to the bottom of your lungs. This delivers a good dose of oxygen into your bloodstream, and into your brain. It also tends to relax you.

This is why meditators breath through their noses. It's healthier, and it is the basis of this forty-five-second meditation. ...[T]ake three slow, deep breaths through your nose, paying attention to your breathing.
Make it a ritual. For example, each time you get into your car, quietly do your three deep breaths. Having a regular "trigger" like this to remind you will keep you from procrastinating so often that you eventually forget to meditate altogether (isn't this typical when we don't make a habit out of the things we want to do?).

Don't worry if some say this isn't "real" meditation. We walk before we run, and not everything has to be difficult to be of value.
This is by Steve Gillman and you can find the original article right here.

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