Sunday, December 26, 2010

And let us not neglect kindness...

Well! We could label this a selfish reason for being unselfish, I guess. Take a look at this headline: ~

Can Kindness Cut the Risk of Heart Disease?

Here's an excerpt:
We produce [the hormone] oxytocin when we bond with each other. Having quality relationships increases its levels. But another way to bond with someone is through a simple act of kindness. And this might just be good for the heart.

Exciting research has revealed that oxytocin plays a powerful role throughout the cardiovascular system.

As well as being produced in the brain, it is also produced in the heart and travels throughout our blood vessels. There, it is believed to increase nitric oxide production (not nitrous oxide, which is laughing gas!). The nitric oxide then dilates our blood vessels, reducing blood pressure.
Research now shows that oxytocin also has a powerful effect on free radical and inflammation levels, which are two of the central culprits in coronary artery disease. Excess inflammation, for instance, leads to a buildup of arterial plaque that can result in a heart attack.
So. Loving-kindness is good for the heart. We've known that deep down for a long time, haven't we?

It's not only good for the heart, it's good for moving toward enlightenment.

You just can't beat a combination like that!

1 comment:

  1. It's not only good for the heart, it's good for moving toward enlightenment.

    You just can't beat a combination like that!

    I might be mightily wrong but I suspect good for the (physical and spiritual?) heart and good for moving towards enlightenment to be one and the same thing.


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