Wednesday, January 26, 2005

More on Impermanence

Another wonderful paragraph from Taming the Tiger by Akong Tulku Rinpoche:

We have to stop imagining that everything exists in a very solid way, either inside or outside ourselves. When we mentally strive to make things more and more fixed, we will suffer when, inevitably, changes occur. Too much involvement with our aversions and desires makes us tend to reject or cling on to the things we experience. Thus we refuse to accept change when it comes and resist it instead. Fighting such a series of losing battles causes our emotions to go up and down all the time, at the expense of our inner stability. The whole point is to realize that everything changes and so develop less attachment to what we are doing.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Change and therefore impermanence have always been difficult for me until it was pointed out to me that impermanence is what allows me to change and grow as a person. I have also realized those things which bring me the greatest joy are all about impermanence. Experiencing a sunset which is constantly changing; taking a walk-even on the same path over and over-there is always something new to see or feel; listening to music-even recorded music-is always different there are nuances I didn't notice before or emotions the music triggers at that particular moment--all of these involve impermanence. Somehow finally realizing how much joy and growth impermanence brings me has made it a little easier to accept all things are impermanent the pleasant and the unpleasant, and to just recognize them as they are---impermanence. I still find change/impermanence difficult at times, but these realizations are making it easier for me to label things as impermanent and move on without latching on to whatever is happening in the moment.


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