Friday, April 11, 2008

Autism awareness

Maureen Adams sent me the following information:

The band, Five for Fighting, is generously donating $0.40 to Autism Speaks for each time the video is viewed. The funding goes toward research studies to help find a cure. When you have a moment, please visit the link below to watch the video and pass it along to your friends and family. It is a great & sad video. They are aiming for 10,000 hits, but hopefully we can help them to surpass this goal.

What kind of world do you want?

Note from Ellie: It's actually a lovely video and the music is great. Please go watch.


  1. Ellie -- I have an intense personal interest in the Autism/Asperger/PDD spectrum of neurological disorders. After reading your post, I wrote a post about it, linked to yours, to the video, and to Autism Speaks Canada. Thank you.

  2. Wonderful, Kate. Thanks for taking up the cause!


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