Thursday, May 17, 2007

The "motive of life"

I found this today and I really like it:

To be able to spread an aura of goodness and peace should be the motive of life.

-- Paramahansa Yogananda

You know, a person can do this - spread and aura of goodness and peace - in any walk of life. I often have people come to talk to me who are struggling to decided what they should "do" - that is, what kind of job they should take or what kind of volunteer work they should engage. They are often surprised when I insist that it really doesn't matter. What matters in any endeavor is not what we do but the way we do it. We can work to alleviate suffering and promote happiness wherever we are and in whatever we're doing.

1 comment:

  1. "To be able to spread an aura of goodness and peace should be the motive of life."-- Paramahansa Yogananda

    It's interesting that you have posted the same quotation I have recently begun to use with my own email salutations, and taken it a step further:

    << What matters in any endeavor is not what we do but the way we do it. We can work to alleviate suffering and promote happiness wherever we are and in whatever we're doing. >>

    Amen! Perfectly said. Much food for thought, especially for me right now. Thanks again!


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